Unlock Your Homesteading Potential and Turn Your Homesteading Passion into Profit

Discover the Proven Strategies to Monetize Your Homesteading Knowledge and Create Your Dream Digital Business Today!

Join the Homestead Business Incubator Coaching Program Today and unlock the Secrets to Building a Sustainable Digital Business - Even If You Have No Prior Experience.


Turn What You Already Know, Love And Do Into Recurring Revenue with the Homestead Business Incubator Program. Here's what 's what you'll get ...

  • Gain clarity, belief and confidence in your homesteading skills and knowledge, so you create your business that aligns with your personal preference.

  • Learn how to leverage your homesteading skills and knowledge so you can create a digital business, recurring income and financial freedom for you and your family.

  • Get guidance and support every step of the way so you don't have to build your business all by yourself.

  • BONUS: Monetize Your Homesteading Skills so you can understand how to start your digital business, the costs involved and potential income returns.

  • BONUS: Decipher Your Homesteading Business Idea Workshop so you can lock in your idea and start generating income in weeks, not months or years.

Your Path to Digital Homesteading Success Starts Here!
Discover How The "Homestead Business Incubator" Can Supercharge Your Entrepreneurial Journey
Unleash your full potential as a digital homesteader. You'll have all the tools you need to turn your homesteading dreams into a thriving online business and make your dreams a reality!
Business Building Blueprint

Build your digital business with ease and confidence with a step-by-step approach.

Support & Community

Receive expert guidance, tailored strategies and a supportive community of like-minded homesteading entrepreneurs.

Income Accelerator

Unlock the secrets to maximize your income potential and achieve business success.

Dear Homesteading Mom


Kate Herford

Let's Explore the Issues Behind 'The Problem'!

Homesteaders are constantly being told that the only way to create income from their homestead is by traditional means.

They’re being told to buy more animals - chickens, goats, pigs or cows and either process them or sell them as livestock and this is time consuming and expensive.

They’re being told to plant fruit trees or expand the veggie garden or make more soaps, homecraft products or herbal remedies and sell more at the market or your farm gate.

They’re being told that homesteading is not about the money it’s the lifestyle so creating recurring income streams outside the traditional methods is rarely even considered as an option.

The problem with all of this is, it works if you don't have a mortgage, or a job, or you have a nest egg to pay for your taxes and upkeep and maintenance of your homestead, and how many homesteaders are in that situation?

Who wants to homestead this way and be working every minute of the day to pay the bills and expenses for so much livestock or spend hours in the freezing cold or heat of summer getting chores done all while feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, wondering if the homesteading lifestyle is for you.Sub-Headline


If you're reading this, you're a homesteader who is looking for more!

You’re taking some amazing steps towards the ultimate goal - embracing sovereignty and freedom while creating a recurring revenue through your very own homesteading digital business.

FINALLY, with the world going crazy now this is the greatest time in history to become self-sufficient, be in control your own food source and make money from your homesteading skills, experience and knowledge through a digital business even if you’re just starting out.

What you may not realise is that all those trailblazing homesteaders you follow online are already turning their homesteading skills and knowledge into recurring revenue through digital business.

And you can too!

Homesteading skills and knowledge are something people are talking about and need to learn now!

You see this skill set you take for granted … well, it's life changing and life sustaining information and now more than ever, newbie homesteaders want to know what you know

So for you, getting back to the old ways of doing things AND creating a homesteading digital business, becoming a New Generation Homesteader... you get paid for your homesteading skills, experience and knowledge

It’s real… and it’s possible …

In the ‘Homestead Business Incubator’ you’re not just going to learn exactly how you can create your own homesteading digital business, recurring income and financial freedom, you're going to be supported by an amazing community of homesteading moms on the same journey.

And the best part?

As a VIP Member we will work together for your success ...

We will collaborate and build your business so it works in the best way possible for you.

If you want to be part of something truly amazing, a journey to make your homestead business idea a reality, then now is the time!

What Results Are Clients Getting?

"With Kate’s expert help, my business soon morphed into my long-lost dream of opening a successful Airbnb in my new home! Kate’s mentorship has been invaluable and I look forward to her continued support as I create workshops about livestock for beginner homesteaders!!"


Georgia Barg

Author, Homestead Coach & AirBNB Host

" Kate is helping me learn digital business resources and skills that I was NEVER exposed to in over 2 years of business accounting which included 3 psychology courses❣️. It has only been two months, folks! 2 months...and I am writing digital content, learning page set-ups and intellectual concepts we never covered even halfway through my bachelor's degree!"


Melinda Conroy

Founder - Urban Homesteading From The Ground Up

So What is the Journey Inside the Homestead Business Incubator?

The journey of the New Generation Homesteader starts inside the Homestead Business Incubator Coaching Program and takes you through the 5 stages of creating and launching your homesteading business. From your initial crazy ideas, you get to go at your own pace, learning as you grow, implementing as you go!


  • Full Gold LIFETIME Access to my Membership site - This is a very special website offered exclusively to Homestead Business Incubator Members. Inside this secure area you’ll access the videos and resources to guide you step-by-step through the 5 Stage Program for launching your digital homesteading business. , checklists and information covering all business topics. Discover an extensive library of digital information covering all business topics including workbooks, guides, eBooks, and printables designed to support your digital business journey.. ($3,000 Value)

  • 20 x Homestead Business Live Lounge - Participate in live weekly sessions which will rotate through a range of different formats from Q&A, Hot Seats, Masterclasses and Co-working Sessions. ($3,000 Value)

  • 20 x “A-Team” Meetings Per Year – Because we know ‘Accountability’ is inherently linked to achieving business success, all members will be added to an A-Team. This group will meet every two weeks and follow a proven formula, which to help keep you on track to achieve your business goals. ($3,000 Value)

  • Homestead Business Incubator VIP Community Hub - Join our exclusive VIP Community where you can connect with like-minded homesteading moms who are also building their own digital businesses. ($1,500 Value)

  • Homestead Business Live Call Recordings - Gain unlimited access to our extensive library of recorded ‘Live Lounge Calls & Business Mastery Conferences’. ($1,500 Value)

  • 6 x LIVE HOMESTEAD BUSINESS MASTERY MASTERCLASSES Per Year - Homestead Business Mastery Webinars are held on the first Tuesday every second month. You’ll be walked through successful business strategies step-by-step. These sessions will be interactive with the capability of live Q & A. ($1,200 Value)

  • 6 x LIVE HOMESTEAD BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS MASTERCLASSES Per Year Homestead Business Fundamentals are held the first Tuesday of every month and cover the fundamentals to online business success. During each webinar the presenter will share the screen so you get to see highly visual strategies that are presented and explained. ($1,200 Value)

TOTAL VALUE: $14,400


PRICE: $1,997 Full Pay

Or 3 Payments $707

What's Your Investment

So, for everything you get inside the Homestead Business Incubator Coaching Program, the weekly calls, the content, the support, community, bonuses and other business training events ....

You get to decide!

The Homestead Business Incubator is all mapped out. You will have a plan so you can start where you're at and head down the path to learn and grow as you go.

The only question to ask is "Would you like to invest with a subscription each month or save and pay in full six months?"

If you're like some people reading this, you may be thinking "I want to join the Homestead Business Incubator, but I can't afford it."

And if that is you ... then these are serious questions ...

Do you want to be in the same position this time next year, wondering what you could have done to fix it?

Or will you take a leap and trust that the investment you make in yourself will be life changing?

Creating a business that has recurring revenue has FAR more stability and predictability than one that doesn't

The path to success provided in the Homestead Business Incubator helps you to clarify your ideas, implement the business systems and serve your audience in a way that eliminates stress.

You instantly give your homesteading life a tremendous amount of stability.

This new approach to business allows you to produce high value for your members, customers, clients and students while creating dependable, reliable sales FOR YOU — EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

It's just as easy to make a recurring sale as it is to make a one-time sale!


Are you feeling 'xyz'? This course is perfect for you if you...

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

But Fair Warning!

There is a specific reason the registration period for the Homestead Business Incubator is like a college or university with enrollment only open for a short period of time.

This is so new members can be welcomed and onboarded to start their Membership Journey.

Then we shift gears to focus our energy on creating, teaching, supporting, and helping you create a thriving membership site.

Who teaches Homestead Business Incubator?

Homestead Business Incubator is created and lead by Kate Herford. She's the creator of the Homestead Business Archetype Quiz and a thought leader for the next generation of homestead digital business owners.

Kate's mission is to empower aspiring homesteading business moms to launch their digital business by embarking on a transformative journey that bridges the gap between the age-old traditions of homesteading and the thriving opportunities of the digital age.

Frequently Asked Questions

Has the content been mapped out already?  

This is a totally awesome question!

As you will have seen above, there is a super curious 'Journey' that maps out the stages of a digital business. Kate, as a Business Coach knows what new business moms need to help getting started, however as homesteaders there are lots of different constraints, including internet access, time and keeping the homestead running, some have jobs off site, and family.

Content is mapped out to allow skill building and focus on the next step to take so you can launch your digital business with ease.

Will I be able to interact with any of the other homesteading mom members?

Absolutely YES! In fact, the networking and interaction is a key aspect of this membership. Being able to connect, network and collaborate with other homesteading moms who are like you, starting out in business, will provide a great supportive environment and life long friendships.

Inside the membership there is a VIP Community that has been created  just for the program members so that you can connect and communicate with myself and other members. This Community will give you the opportunity to build your network, brainstorm ideas and solutions to business roadblocks, and ask questions.

What times are the live networking sessions?

The Membership live networking sessions are held weekly via Zoom breakout rooms on a Wednesday morning Australian EDT which is Tuesday night in the US and Canada.  As the membership grows there may be additional time slots made available to cater for different timezones.  You'll find the registration links inside the membership curriculum.

What if I can't show up live? Will there be a recording?

Absolutely! 100% the sessions and any webinars or masterclasses  will be recorded and uploaded to the membership portal, so you won't miss a thing. If you know you can't make the session, you will be able to post your questions into the Membership Community and feedback will be given on the call and in the group.

**Note:  Any breakout sessions won't be recorded for the membership portal.  We can discuss as members whether recording of these rooms and screen sharing by participants will be permitted.

What happens after I join?

Once you have put in your payment details and hit that button to join, you'll receive an email with all your access details.Check your email and then follow the instructions to create your membership login details.  

REMEMBER to bookmark the login in page and details so you can easily access your course content You will have immediate access to the Welcome Module which will explain more about the membership and what to do next. You will also gain access to your Bonuses.

When can I access the Membership content?

The Membership content is available for you any time you log into the Membership hub.  

The content is organised in Stages and designed so that you can build up your skill base. As you work through each lesson and click the Completed button, the next lessons content will open up for you to complete. Once a lesson is completed you are able to access it any time.

Will Kate be available throughout the membership?

Yes! The whole purpose behind the membership is to create an awesome community of likeminded homesteading moms and Kate's 'all in' to make this happen!

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback on any aspect of business while on the live Q&A calls. It will be preferred if questions and content for review is put into the VIP Community group so Kate can do any required research and provided relevant feedback on the call or at anytime during the week.

"You're Action Takers Only" Guarantee

"Try It, Test It, Apply It" Money Back Guarantee for a Full 30 Day, 100% Risk Free

My #1 goal for this and for all of the training courses I offer is for you to fully and successfully implement the strategies I teach and get the maximum results in your business that you have the potential of achieving.

Those kinds of results can only be accomplished through serious, dedicated action, so I’m taking a different approach to the typical '30 Day Money-Back Guarantee' that will help YOU commit to being the true action taker that you have to be!

So I’m removing every possible barrier to your success by taking the tired, old, cookie-cutter GUARANTEE that gives you the chance to back out of fulfilling YOUR dreams, and I’m throwing it out the window!

Instead, I'll gladly refund every cent of your investment IF you come to me within 30 days of your purchase and SHOW ME CONCRETE EVIDENCE that you've put this training into action.

Simply put, only action-takers are eligible for a full refund AFTER they have proven that they have implemented this training in full and in good faith and got zero results from their efforts.

The bottom line is that this course is for serious entrepreneurs who are committed to implementing profit-producing strategies and systems into their businesses, and not merely for tire-kickers and 'professional students' stuck in perpetual 'study mode'. If you aren't committed to taking action and putting this information to good use in your business, then I would honestly prefer that you hold onto your hard-earned money and not purchase.

I’ll be very strict on this policy and only issue refunds to those who have taken the time to learn the strategy and put it into action.

This training has the potential to create major breakthroughs in your business and I’m eager and excited to see how my training will impact those who implement it.

My #1 goal is your success! So I’m not afraid to dish out some tough love when it comes to holding you accountable to yourself, your family, and your dreams

DISCLAIMER: All statements on this page regarding earnings, income, effort, and/or your likelihood of success are estimates based upon what our most successful customers have experienced. We make no guarantees-express or implied-regarding your experiences and results. Any endorsements on this site are from actual customers, none of whom have received any form of compensation for their statements.

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